Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to District 9

District 9 was an absolutely amazing movie. It combines elements of a completely original and revolutionary science-fiction movie and combines it with a drama that follows to unlucky characters one starts out as a human and one is an alien. The story is amazing and will hook you right away and when the movie ends you will be begging for a sequel. The movie is also loaded with the best action scenes I have ever seen in a movie to date. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone even if you don't like science-fiction films this movie has something you will probably like. So go see this movie because it won't be in theaters forever but then you can just buy it on itunes or something.

Movie outing!

Tonight I'm going to see the new Movie District 9 with Reillz and dabear. My friends and I have been anticipating this movie ever since Foxyfox showed us the short movie Alive in Joburg a few years ago. Judging by the reviews on websites such as Rotten Tomatoes District 9 seems like it be as good as I expected. After I watch I will put up a review so you can read it tonight if you want to know more about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Phunky U.F.O's

While I was walking around my town with some friends tonight we saw a blue flash of light. After that we saw something extremely fast that was blinking yellow zipping around the clear night sky. It was really phreaky and sort of scared us. It made us think about U.F.O's and the possibility of them being a reality. If you have an opinion on the possibility of alien aircraft flying around earth please leave it in the comments on this post.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Welcome to the NetUnderground blog. Since this the first post on the blog there isn't really much to talk about except for the fact that it is the very first post on the blog. Since this is the case please either comment something on this post or go back to the main website to sign up or participate in the many forums. Join the IT revolution!